
Japanese used car auctions began in 1967 when Toyota Motor Corporation held its firsthand-signal auction. Due to the long trading times and limited number of cars sold, these auctions were inefficient.

As a result, new computer technology was launched in September 1978, enabling modern auctions to take place. The first equipment and software for auto auctions were introduced by Fujitsu and Kiden companies. This technology enabled “Internet Live” auctions, where trading time was reduced to a few seconds.

Modern Auto Auction System

Japan is a country of a large and thriving used car auction industry. There are many major auction houses located near the country’s main ports, in cities such as Yokohama, Osaka, Kobe, Nagoya and Kawasaki. The leading used car auction companies in Japan include USS Auto Auction, AUCNET, CAA, HAA, HONDA, TAA, JAA, BAYUC and JU. Approximately, there are over 150 used car auction locations nationwide.

Used Car Auctions’ key Benefits 


Generally, used car auctions are not open to the public. To attend, you usually need to have a dealer’s license. This is to prevent any price-fixing or fraudulent activities from taking place during the inspection and exhibition process. By keeping the process transparent, it helps to avoid any price-fixing that could occur.

Market price & quality 

At Japanese used car auctions, there is a massive market for quality vehicles. Quality is graded on a scale from A to F, with A being the best quality and F being the worst. This grading system makes it easy to assess the possible market price of a vehicle before bidding.

Variety of vehicles

Customers have a great variety of choice, starting from old classic models to the newest ones. Domestic, European, American and Korean models are all available. Especially, if you are looking for Left Hand Drive European cars in great condition and with low mileage, you are sure to find what you’re looking for.

Auction Houses Location

Auction Schedule



Honda Tokyo

Honda Kansai

Honda Nagoya

Honda Kyushu

Honda Sendai


JU Tokyo

NOAA Osaka


CAA Tokyo

CAA Gifu

CAA Tohoku

SAA Sapporo

TAA Hiroshima

TAA S Kyushu

TAA Kyushu

TAA Kinki

TAA Shikoku

NAA Fukuoka

JU Aomori

JU Saitama

JU Shizuoka

JU Mie

JU Fukui

JU Nagano

JU Yamaguchi

ARAI Sendai


ORIX Fukuoka

ORIX Sendai


NSP Tokyo

NSP Osaka

NSP Sendai

NSP Fukuoka

NSP Tochigi

NSP Tomakomai

LUM Fukuoka

LUM Nagoya


CAA Chubu



LAA Shikoku

KCAA Kyoto

KCAA S Kyushu

MIRIVE Saitama

OIAA Osaka

JU Ibaraki

JU Oita

JU Ishikawa

JU Nagasaki

JU Kumamoto

JU Akita

Ima Tokyo

ORIX Atsugi

LUM Tokyo


Aucnet Bike

NAA Osako

NAA Nagoya

TAA Kantou

TAA Tohoku

TAA Hokkaido

TAA Chubu

KCAA Fukuoka

Mirive Osaka

Suzuki Hamamatsu

ZIP Osaka

JU Gunma

JU Aichi

JU Fukushima

JU Toyama

JU Hiroshima

JU Kanagawa

JU Miyazaki

ARAI 4W Oyama

Zero Shonan

Zero Osaka

Ima Kyushu

LUM Kobe

LUM Hokkaida


NAA Tokyo

LAA Okayama

KCAA Yamaguchi

Mirive Aichi

JU Hokkaido

JU Tochigi

JU Fukuoka

JU Niigata

JU Miyagi

JU Okinawa

JU Chiba

JU Shimane

ARAI 4W Bayside

Ima Kobe

ZERO Hokkaido

ZERO Chiba


TAA Yokohama

TAA Hyogo

ZIP Tokyo

JU Gifu

JU Yamanashi

JU Nara

JU Yamanashi

JU Yamagata

ARAI Van & Truck

KCAA Minamikyusyu 2nd